Travel risk: It’s time to be proactive
Global business travel is predicted to ramp up dramatically in the next couple of years as more companies broaden their search for new markets. Along with opportunity comes increased risk for travelers who are in distant environments, making a corporate risk management program for travelers a business essential. Here are a couple of resources that can be useful in developing your company program:
Intelliguide Corporate is a service that provides essential global transportation, health, weather and security updates by destination. Three levels of service are available: GO BASE (destination reports geared to business travelers, news briefs updated 24/7, risk and security assessments, etiquette information, etc.); GO ALERT 24 (breaking news and travel alerts, critical information about travel as events are unfolding—set filters by area of the world, type of event, or receive all alerts); GO PNR (automates the process so your travelers automatically receive reports and alerts on destinations and dates contained in their travel itineraries). Look for more information here.
Medjet Assist is a provider of global medical transfer services for travelers hospitalized anywhere in the world. The services are broad-based and comprehensive: membership protects travelers who are 150 miles or more away from home, returning them to their hospital of choice (other medical transport services typically transport to the “nearest medical facility”). Corporate memberships are available; for more information, watch this YouTube video and visit this website.